Large Bailey Bridges

Production Quality Assurance System

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Our company is mainly supervised by the technical engineering department and the production and manufacturing department to carry out the prescribed technological process, carry out regular inspection, correction and disassembly of tooling and molds.

First of all, check whether the storage and protection measures of the incoming materials comply with the regulations, sample and test each batch of materials in accordance with the prescribed batch and frequency, and review the test report. Those unqualified materials are not allowed to be used in product systems, even if unqualified materials are shipped out of the processing site. After entering the workshop, carry out Blanking, assembly, welding, boring, slag cleaning, grinding, peening, spray paint according to the technical engineering department drawing and process requirements, put into storage after check-up.

Our company has a complete production quality assurance system, and our products, services, quality management and control are based on the following technical specifications, standards and design drawings.

Standard of the Ministry of Communications of the people's Republic of China Technical Code for Construction of Highway Bridge and culvert (JTJ041-2000) “Steel bridge manufacture”.

1. Design of prefabricated highway Bridges and special tools (JT/ qs0012-65);JT/QS0014-65).

2. Low-content high-strength structural steel (GB/ t1591-94).

3. Sampling method of pattern and allowable deviation of composition for chemical analysis of steel (GB222).

4. Sampling requirements for chemical and process properties test of steel (GB2975).

5. Steel wire for carbon dioxide gas shielded welding (GB8110).

6. Manual ultrasonic inspection method of steel welds and analysis of inspection results (GB11345).

7. Sampling method for mechanical properties test of welded joints (GB2649).

8. Code for construction and acceptance of steel structure (gb50205-2001).

9. Specification for the manufacture of railway steel Bridges (tb10212-98).

10. Radiographic and quality classification of molten steel welded joints (GB3323).

11. Appendix to the Manual of guidelines for the use of assembled Highway Bridges “Rules for the manufacture, inspection and acceptance of assembled Highway Bridges”.

Our company has passed the ISO9000 certification and regularly accepted the inspection of the components and the whole bridge by the second Scientific Research Department of the General equipment Department of the Chinese people's Liberation Army. Static Detection test and issue of Detection report. The products fully meet the requirements for the manufacture, inspection and acceptance of the assembled highway steel bridges issued by the Ministry of Communications.

Jiangsu Zhonghai Bridge Equipment Co., Ltd. (code 652268) is located in the Dantu High tech Park of Zhenjiang City, an ancient city in Jiangnan with profound cultural deposits. It enjoys unique transportation and logistics advantages in terms of geographical layout.




 Add: No. 83, Dantu New City Section, Speech Highway, Dantu District, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China 
 Phone: +86-13655282755 
 Phone: +86-17368088115
 Tel: +86-0511-84522866 
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